With an outstanding lineup of presentations, the Full Body session is a must. Join Moderators Dr. James Koehler and Dr. Landon D. McLain on Friday, February 4, 2022 to learn and discuss some great topics with our expert speakers.
Dr. Jabbar Saliba will present an interesting case report of a healthy 23-year-old female patient who vaped on a daily basis and developed pulmonary emboli 10 days after undergoing an uneventful breast augmentation.
Dr. Cesar Velilla will share the results, effectiveness, side effects and complications of Tranexamic Acid use in liposuction surgery under local and general anesthesia.
Dr. John Ferguson will discuss the evolution of abdominoplasty, including surgical technique, innovative devices and a new paradigm of postoperative care, as developed over 500 cases during a 10-year period.
Dr. Roland Boeni will show how to achieve superior results in high-definition liposuction by combining ultrasound with power-assisted liposuction in this presentation.
Dr. Gabriel H. Patino is the second surgeon in the world to insert silicone implants via the navel and the first to insert them manually without an endoscope or instruments in 2020. Watch his step-by-step presentation so you can reproduce it in your practice.
Dr. Landon D. McLain will detail how to perform a simultaneous lift and augmentation, using a robust pedicle to minimize blood supply derangement.